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  • Writer's pictureAsh Norton

Find the right foods - for YOU

April 27, 2023

Red, Yellow, Green-light foods, Eating right for you

Red, Yellow, Green-light foods
Find the right foods -For YOU

You know what it’s like to create a pump-up playlist, right?

You compile a list of songs that—when they come on—make you go:

“OMG! This is my sooonnngg!”

And then you bust out your favorite moves.

Feels good, right?

Well, what if we told you you could do this with food, too?

A traffic light eating method can help you create your own personal power-food list, one that—just like a good playlist—gives you energy, and makes you want to get out there and dance with life.

Answer the questions below to create your own.

🟢 What foods make you feel awesome?

These are your green light foods.

These foods make you feel good—physically and emotionally.

You digest them well, you like the taste, and you have a healthy relationship with them. (Read: You can count on them for regular nourishment; you’re not just calling them up when you’re drunk or sad.)

🟡 What foods work for you, but only sometimes?

These are your yellow light foods.

You might like these foods, but when you eat them regularly or in larger portions, you just don’t feel great. For example, a small portion of lentils feels good, but a big bowl takes you to Fart City.

Alcohol and certain “junk foods” might wind up in this category, but heck, so could kale.

🔴 What foods make you want to crawl into a hole after you eat them?

These are your red light foods.

These foods aren’t inherently “bad,” but they sure make YOU feel bad. (Think: They cause allergic reactions, indigestion, or make you feel out-of-control.)

Ultra-processed foods often fall into this category since many people find that, once they start eating them, they can’t stop.

At the same time, so-called “healthy” foods can be red-light-listed too. For example, if eggs give you hives, they’re red.

Everyone’s lists will be different.

While many nutrition programs use the traffic light method, they tend to resemble “eat this, not that” lists: Some foods are “allowed” and others are “forbidden.”

And the list is the same for everyone.

With this approach, no foods are glorified or demonized.

And each person’s list is unique.

Nutrient quality is just ONE consideration.

Consider how foods makes you feel—holistically:

🤔 Does this food feel good in my body?

🤔 Does this food align with my culture and values, if that’s important to me?

🤔 Do I like how I behave when I’m around these foods?

When you make choices considering the questions above, you’ll probably tend to eat healthier. But more importantly, you’ll likely feel a greater sense of autonomy, flexibility, and enjoyment when you eat.

If you'd like more help figuring out how to gain more self-awareness of your eating patterns and how to find the right way to eat for YOU, don't hesitate to book your free initial consult by clicking the link below.

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